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How To Score High Marks In Class 10 Social Science

how to score high marks class 10 social science studying

In class 10 social science is a subject for which the right amount of time and effort can score any student good marks. A subject like social science can be used to improve the final result of the exam. As this subject is theory it becomes easier to study. A properly calculated routine to prepare for this subject is how one can score high marks. 

Be Acquainted With The Syllabus 

The Social Science Syllabus for CBSE Class 10 can be a helpful guide for preparation. Students should know about the whole syllabus. For class 10 the social science syllabus has been divided into four subjects. These four subjects are- History, Geography, Economics, and political science. 

HISTORY - There are five chapters in the history subject.The Rise of Nationalism in Europe, Nationalism in India, The Making of a Global World, The Age of Industrialisation, Print Culture and the Modern World. 

GEOGRAPHY - Resources and Development, Minerals and Energy Resources, Manufacturing Industries, Lifelines of National Economy, Forest and Wildlife Resources, Water Resources, Agriculture. 

ECONOMICS - Development, Sectors of Indian Economy, Money and Credit, Globalisation and the Indian economy, Consumer rights. 

POLITICAL SCIENCE - Power sharing, Popular Struggles and Movements, Political Parties, Federalism, Democracy and Diversity, Gender Religion and Caste, Outcomes of Democracy, Challenges to Democracy. 

This syllabus has been decided by the national council of education research and training (NCERT). As per the official CBSE notification, the topics of the syllabus have been divided into two parts for term 1 and term 2. 

The division of the syllabus for term 1 and term 2 are: 

Term 1: 

History - The Rise of Nationalism in Europe 

Geography - Resources and Development, Water Resource, Agriculture. 

Political Science - Power Sharing and Federalism. 

Economics - The Development, and Sectors of the Indian Economy. 

Term 2: 

HISTORY - Nationalism in India, The Making of a Global World, and The Age of Industrialization 

GEOGRAPHY - Minerals and Energy Resources, Manufacturing Industries, and Life Lines of National Economy.

ECONOMICS - Globalization and the Indian Economy, and Money and credit. 

POLITICAL SCIENCE - Outcomes of Democracy and Political Parties. 

Other than the final exam students will have to go through an internal assessment in the form of project work, assignments, etc. All the assessments and projects will be of 20 marks in total. 

Remember The Paper Pattern 

The question paper will contain four sections. 

Section A will have 24 questions out of which 20 questions should be attempted. 

Section B will have 22 questions where 18 questions are to be attempted. 

Section C will have 12 case based questions, here 10 questions have to be answered. 

Section D will have two map based questions and both of these have to be attempted. 

All the sections will contain equal marks. Hence, the total marks of this exam will be 40. The term 2 question paper will be similar to the term 1 paper. 

Map questions are the set of questions that ask the student to locate and label areas on the map which are of geographical, political, and economical importance. For class 10 social science these map questions are asked from geography and history only. 

Study From The NCERT Books 

The official textbook my NCERT for class 1 social science are: 

● Contemporary India for geography. 
● Understanding economic development for economics. 
● India and the contemporary world II for history. 
● Democratic politics for political science. 

NCERTs are all that is required for the complete preparation of social science. NCERTs give the complete information on all the topics which are a part of the CBSE curriculum. These textbooks are easy to understand and help in the speedy preparation of the subject. No other sources besides NCERT are required. To score well in a theoretical subject the answers should be accurate and coherently written. This comes from the study material that the student is using. 

The map questions will require the students to know the locations, this can be prepared with proper study of maps and depictions of places given in the books. As this subject has lengthy text for study it is always the smart choice to start the preparation early. 

Practice Answer Writing 

Writing property framed answers is important to score high in this subject. After covering the entire syllabus students should practice writing answers. Sample papers can be used to practice answer writing. Hence, it is advised for students to search sample papers that are designed as per the paper pattern and the official syllabus for better preparation. The answers must be written strictly according to the weight of marks throughout the question paper. How much time should be given writing an answer is also defined by the marks it holds. 


Social science requires students to remember a lot of details which is why students are always pushed for regular revision. Revision can be done in the form of practicing questions and re-reading texts and notes. The key to a constructive revision is whenever a student discovers a difficult topic immediate attention should be paid to it. Repeated reading of the text will help the student in better remembrance of the text during the final exam. 

Analyze Your Preparation 

Throughout the preparation, students must look out for their mistakes and areas where they are having trouble performing well. Self-assessment can direct the student towards the changes that are required in their strategy. 


Social science plays a huge role in a student’s education as it introduces them to society and how it works. It offers them the basic knowledge of the real world around them. Social science should not be seen just as a subject but as an opportunity to learn about the real world. Learning about social science can offer a holistic development of the student. The level of knowledge required by the student also comes into play in further studies. 

Students who find this subject difficult to score should take care of factors like starting preparation early on, studying from the right books, solving questions, revising as they complete chapters and topics. 

The Social Science test preparation strategy should be organized while keeping in mind the syllabus and marks distribution.